Thursday, February 16, 2012

Less is more when it comes to accessorizing.

To many women accessorizing can be challenging but it does not have to be if you follow these simple rules. I learned to accessorize by listening to my mother's critical comments about women that over accessorized, she would call them walking Christmas trees. I remember being five when she made the comparison, the Fashionista in me got the visual and ever since than I look at the mirror before I leave to any event to make sure I do not look like a walking Christmas tree. 

When selecting accessories first examine your outfit and yourself.  We all have a favorite part of our body this is the reason why we accessorize, to compliment our outfits by bring attention to our best features. Depending on the neckline of your top or dress choose the appropriate necklace to enhance it. If you are wearing a V-neck a Y drop or lariat  necklace will compliment the neckline and will also bring attention to your "girls." 

A wide belt is great to make a waist appear small paired with high heels you will instantly lose ten pounds. We have all heard that the color Black makes us appear thinner to the point that most of us look like we are mourning. Ladies I invite you to make a stand and free yourselves from wearing all black.  Yes black makes does make us look thinner but it also makes you look too serious, just look at a nun. This is where choosing the right accessories can make a difference. If you a wearing a black dress choose colorful accessories, red heels for a night out, a hot pink belt to draw attention to your waist, turquoise earrings wearing black does not have to be boring. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us by email at or give us a call at 718.576.9946

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